Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Disorderly Migration to the Cities

One of our graduates Manuel A. Dominguez Ortiz wrote his thesis on "Disorderly Migration to the Cities” which has been recognized and published through www.monografias.com
He considers one of the most serious problems facing humanity is the disorderly migration into the cities.
Santo Domingo, capital of the Dominican Republic for example, are one of many big cities that are affected by this scenario, as it has grown from a small town to a metropolis populated by millions of people.

His approach is to analyze the town, gather information and observe the behavior of those affected.

You can read more about his work through the link below.

Manuel has just completed at Atlantic International University a Bachelor of Science program in Architecture.
We are very proud of you Manuel and we wish you more success in your professional projects.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Environmental Science

An environmental scientist studies the environment and develops solutions to environmental problems.   They analyze the air, the water, and soil and make sure that the environment is safe.  Environmental science is a field that integrates many physical and biological sciences such as ecology, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science, and geography.  To find work in the field an environmental scientist will need at a minimum a bachelor’s degree and in most cases a graduate degree is required.  Other helpful skills include computers, writing and speaking skills, and people’s skills. Here is some helpful information from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Salary: $65,280 Average yearly wages (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008)

Job availability: 85,900 jobs held in the field in 2008. (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008)

Job growth:  The number of jobs for environmental scientists is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations through 2018. (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 2008)

Atlantic international University offers both Bachelor and Master degree on Environmental Science.  After evaluating both academic record and life experience, AIU staff working in conjunction with Faculty and Academic Advisors will assist students in setting up a custom-made program, designed on an individual basis.

Sample Courses include:
  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • Systems Modeling and Simulation for Natural Resource Management
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Resource and Environmental Economics
  • Watershed Management
  • Environmental and Natural Resource Law
  • Climatology
  • Hydrology

For more information on Environmental Science at Atlanticinternational University follow the following links:
Bachelor of Environmental Science (BS) program
Master of Environmental Science (MS) program

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Theories of Grief

Student Digby Clarke who graduated from a Doctor of Philosophy in Thanatology program in August of 2009, has had his work published in a Magazine by the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors.
His article, titled: “When Grief Is Sitting Before You”, will be explored with specific examples of past and current theories of grief. His main focal points include:
• Listening
• Curiosity
• Grief Theories: Old and New
• Understanding the foundation of grief from an Adlerian perspective
“A person’s grief is an eye print to that person’s view of the world and that person’s personality”.

We are very proud of his achievements, and we hope that he continues with this success, that is a byproduct of the effort and dedication that he has always shown.

Congratulations in behalf of your University, Atlantic International University.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Testimonial from a Student

We will like to share with you the testimonial from one of our students AUCKHINLECK KWAME ADOW.  


It is my great pleasure to write to inform you of my academic experience with Atlantic International University.  The following notes catalogues and capture my experience on the path taken so far:
  1. After enrollment, I found it very necessary to read and master the contents of the Student’s Handbook so as to know how to effortlessly navigate my way through the program.
  2. I also mastered the use of the AIU website for downloading and uploading course assignments, as well as communicating with AIU.
  3. The nature of AIU’s coursework required me as a student to be very disciplined, determined, and maximizing my time utilization. Especially intensively using my weekends, national holidays and annual vacations, so as to be able to work on course assignments and upload them according to the calendar I have designed and approved by my Tutor.
  4. I needed to be meticulous and follow the rules governing the development and content of assignments to enable me earn maximum credit for each assignment submitted.
  5. The AIU experience calls for know-how to do things for myself so as to achieve excellent results and nothing less.
  6. The content of the course assignments introduced me to rare current global issues and trends which ordinary I might not have got to know.
  7. The AIU approach called for extensive reading and using the Internet facility to obtain as much information as possible to inform my course assignments.
  8. The AIU learning process is very flexible and administered through course assignments given and the curriculum design approach.
  9. The AIU learning process draws out the utmost potential, experience and expertise of a student. When I understood and embraced it, it generated unlimited passion that fueled my ambition to give of my best – evidenced as end product in each assignment submitted to my course tutor for assessment.
  10. The AIU structure of learning is for people who are focused, serious and want to achieve results.
  11. However, all said and done, the financial scholarships offered notwithstanding, the cost of AIU education for us in this part of the world is very expensive.  It is with much pain to state here that many brilliant, experienced and determined colleagues of mine whom I recommended AIU to have eventually shied-away just because of the cost.
Thank you for affording me this great and rare opportunity for self-improvement in my life.  It has been a hard journey of dedicated discipline to strenuous academic research work based on many practical field and life experiences.  It has been a very worthy journey traveled with much interest, intensive passion,  personal motivation, and also those rare motivational messages from my Course Tutor, which fires me up to keep pressing on.

I am and remain very grateful.



Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Environmental Health Hand Book: A practical guide to Public Health professionals and scholars

Atlantic International University wants to congratulate one of our graduates, Tumwebaze Mathias for his recent success.

Tumwebaze wrote a book about “Environmental Health Hand Book: A practical guide to Public Health professionals and scholars which can be purchased through http://www.amazon.com/
This book empowers the new generation of Public Health professionals and scholars especially in developing countries by examining the underlying issues to the local and global environmental challenges and suggesting ways of making a difference in humanity life and environment.

Tumwebaze has completed a Doctorate program in Public Health at AIU. We are very proud of his achievements, and we hope that he continues with this success, that is a byproduct of the effort and dedication that he has always shown.

Congratulations in behalf of your University, AIU.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Effects of Poor Power Quality on Electrical Equipment and Their Economic Implications

Atlantic International Universiy wants to congratulate one of our students, Norbert Edomah for his recent success.

Norbert, who has a Masters in Electrical Engineering at AIU, wrote an article named: Effects of Voltage Sags, Swell and Other Disturbances on Electrical Equipment and Their Economic Implications. His article was published as part of the conference proceedings at the 20th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED) held in Prague, Czech Republic.

His effort has also been recognized and published in the Xplore digital Library of the Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at:


Poor power quality has come to stay in most parts of the world. In most part of Africa, especially in Nigeria, it is almost normal not to have good clean power free from disturbances. If power equipment and loads could talk or express feelings, I am sure they would have made a big protest against the great injustice imposed on them. A survey was carried out amongst 15 multi-national companies in southwest Nigeria to ascertain the cause(s) and effects of poor power quality on electrical equipment and its economic implications. The survey revealed that 9 out of 15 of those companies loose an average of 5 variable speed (AC) drives every year owing to poor power quality. It also revealed that the most common disturbances faced are voltage sag and swell. This paper is aimed at stating some of the predominant power disturbance parameters, their sources and causes, the effect they have on electrical equipment, and their cost/economic implications. It also identifies some practical solutions and methods of addressing poor power quality issues.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cost-Effectiveness Study of Percutaneous Intratisular Electrolysis (PIE) in Chronic Epicondylalgia

At Atlantic International University we are proud to announce the success of our students. 
Jose Manuel Sanchez Ibanez, graduate of a Doctorate program in Health Science at AIU,  has been recognized for the Best Oral Communication Award for the “Cost-Effectiveness Study of Percutaneous Intratisular Electrolysis (PIE) in Chronic Epicondylalgia", amongst his other colleagues and Physiotherapists, Dr. Fermin Valera and Franc Minaya. The award ceremony took place during the tenth National Congress of the Spanish Society of Trauma Education - SETLA 2010.

Jose Manuel stated: “It is an honor to convey my greatest satisfaction of seeing the PIE Technique which was created 10 years ago, proving to be one of the best tools and therapies in the treatment of soft tissue”. He also announces that on November 11th and 12th of this year, the First International Congress of PIE will be held in Madrid.

Jose Manuel Sanchez Ibanez has been an excellent student at AIU and we are very proud of his achievements. We hope that he continues with this success, that is a byproduct of the effort and dedication that he has always shown.

Congratulations in behalf of your University, AIU.

To learn more about Dr. Jose Sanchez's work, to access his book, or learn more about Percutaneous Intratisular Electrolysis please visit these links:

Dr. Sanchez's Rehabilitation Center: http://www.cerede.es
Awarding Org: http://www.setla.org/ 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Computer forensics

As the world presses forward towards global economies and international markets, there is a growing demand for new technology and ground braking innovation.  Technology is the number one force behind innovation. Business trends, consumer behavior, and demographic shifts are additional players in figuring out what the next big idea is going to be.  In turn, new demand is generated for cutting edge jobs in the field of technology.  
For example Computer Forensic is an exiting career that investigates and analyses deleted information which can be used by the legal system to prosecute individuals trying to cover illegal acts.  In order to pursue a career in Computer forensics a wide range of computer software and hardware experience is needed, as well as, a bachelor or master’s degree in computer science, information technology, or another related field.  Here are some helpful links to articles about Computer Forensics along with statistics from payscale.

National Salary Data

National Salary Data
All compensation data shown are gross, national 25th to 75th percentile ranges. Pay can vary greatly by location. To view local data, take the PayScale survey.

$39,374 - $99,997

$518 - $14,768

Profit Sharing

Total Pay
$38,342 - $102,945
Country: United States | Currency: USD | Updated: 19 Apr 2011 | Individuals Reporting: 168
Key Statistics



Years of Experience 

Less than 1 year
1-4 years
5-9 years
10-19 years
20 years or more

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Student Testimonial

At Atlantic International University students experience a different system of education. The student are motivated to be more involve in their career choices. We have selected one of our students testimonials from Mamadou Keita about the AIU experience.  

Mamadou Keita, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science - April 2, 2011
Dear Sirs,

The best way to express my experience here at the AIU is to compare it to an invisible teacher who places his students in situations completely new to them and lets them find their way out by trial and error. Though it corrects the errors later, but I have come to realize in fact that the best way to let people learn is to expose them to situations where they can make errors in the course of searching for solutions. This is what exactly, I think, the AIU does. If you are wondering about how this system of education can help, then I will let you think about how great scientists like Antoine Henri Becquerel, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, Marie Sklodowska Curie (the wife of Pierre Curie himself a scientist),  and Ernest Rutherford discovered and developed the idea of radiation and radioactivity. During the whole history of radiation and radioactivity, we were never told that these scientists received regular lessons from a divine teacher who instructed them exactly when and how to do things. Instead, we learned that going from curiosity to curiosity these scientists worked individually trying to get answers about phenomena to which they have not scientific proofs to explain.  
On November 8, 1895, at the University of Wurzburg, Wilhelm Roentgen’s attention was drawn to a glowing fluorescence screen on a nearby table. He immediately determined that the fluorescence was caused by invisible rays originating from the partially evacuated glass Hittorf-Crookes tube he was using to study cathode rays. Surprisingly, these mysterious rays penetrated the opaque black paper wrapped around the tube. Wilhelm had discovered X- rays. http://www.accessexcellence.org/AE/AEC/CC/historical_background.php

Following the discovery of X-rays, Antoine Henri Becquerel pursued his interest to investigate further.

The material Becquerel chose to work with was potassium uranyl sulfate, which he exposed to sunlight and placed on photographic plates wrapped in black paper. When developed, the plates revealed an image of the uranium crystals. Becquerel concluded “that the phosphorescent substance in question emits radiation which penetrates paper opaque to light.” Initially he believed that the sun’s energy was being absorbed by the uranium which then emitted X-rays.

             Further investigation, on the 26th and 27th of February, was delayed because the skies over Paris were overcast and the uranium-covered plates Becquerel intended to expose to sun were returned to a drawer. On the first of March, he developed the photographic plates expecting only faint images to appear. To his surprise, the images were clear and strong. This meant that the uranium emitted radiation without an external source of energy such as the sun. Becquerel had discovered radioactivity.

Errors leading to the discovery of what we have today as the telephone.

The first error:
Alexander Graham Bell was fascinated by sound in the 1870s. So, one day he tried to interpret a treaty on sound written in Dutch by a German Scientist. He wrongly interpreted the piece which made him believe that it was possible to reproduce vowels through electromagnetism and let them travel through a distance by wire. Based on this false impression, he convinced many investors who gave him the necessary financial support to start his project.
The second error:
The principle of simple math, (minus) x (minus) = (plus), worked well for Bell, two errors make one big success. Bell had the full financial support of investors but he was having problems with producing the thing he promised. His problem was to have the current necessary to transmit words through distance. So, one day he accidentally spilled over the content (acid) of a cell on himself and on his phone. Then he started calling for help, “Mr. Watson, come here! I want to see you.” His voice was transmitted at the same time over to the next room. This is how the phone was invented (James W. Robinson, 1997, P. 3-5).

According to the few histories of discoveries and invention we have seen above, there is no link between these and the traditional methods of learning or going to the university everyday listing to lectures. What we realize in fact is that, all the scientists involved in the above cases, yes, had had basic foundations in learning, but it was not their standards of education that led them to investigate instead, it was their curiosity, their interest in finding out. The only essence in learning is curiosity.
What the AIU does is to create a situation in which the student knows exactly what he wants (curious), but does not know where to find it. The AIU will let the student search for himself the way out giving him step by step instructions on how to go about doing things. These step by step instructions are mostly given on monthly bases. Mean while, the student will be working like a scientist – searching for himself facts about his subject. In due course the student is obliged to develop every mental activity such as fast reading, speed judgment of information, speed writing and the power of reasoning. The importance of student centered education is that, in due course the student will discover many things that are not strictly part of his program. So, by the time he completes his university course he has vast knowledge on things far beyond his subject area.  With traditional learning institutions, it is just the opposite. The student goes to school to receive just what the teacher had time to read. And the student will retain just a small fraction of what the teacher gives. At the end, there is nothing in the head of the student, because it is the teacher that has done the learning. At the AIU, it is the student that learns from the moment of fixing the curriculum to the presentation of bibliography everything is student centered.  And when the assignment is not properly done, it is the student that will work on it following the instructions that he receives from his advisor.
I will seize this opportunity in fact to thank my Advisor, Mr. Randall F. Raus, who is more than a teacher. I can remember when the political situation in my country was very rough. I sent a request for one month permission to stay inactive within my student section. In real fact, I was afraid of the university’s workload, so I wanted more time. But he refused my request like a parent would refuse his child with words of courage and work samples that paved the way through for me.
Once again when I felt very confused about everything, I sent him again an email, telling him that I did not know what to do and from where to start. Trouble! That was the time he showed me exactly how to get information from the net, how to get books, how to reference books etc. If I attempt to explain here everything he did during my study, then most probably he did nothing. So, I will not continue because he did a lot. I only hope that he will be proud of me as a child-student.
Generally speaking, AIU team is a professionally devoted team. Nobody will regret passing through the university. They always have a solution to whatever problem a student will have. Sometimes, I have the impression that I am the only one studying at this university based upon the type of care I receive from them regardless of the remoteness of my country Guinea – Conakry.
My graduation to me is not the end of my learning process. This is the impression I have from the AIU, like our scientists who discovered X-rays and radioactivity, it is just a solid foundation for more research. That is what the AIU prepares its students for.

Best regards

Mamadou Keita